Marijuana in the blood: that’s how long it remains there?

marijuana in the blood

Fear of the urine examination? Find out for how long marijuana remains in the blood

One of the most frequent questions among consumers of hemp (as you can imagine not only CBD weed) concerns the permanence of traces of THC in the blood.

For many it is not rare to undergo drug tests or urine or blood tests for the most disparate reasons, often for business and sports reasons.

In reality, it is not possible to provide a simple and unambiguous answer on how much the hemp remains in the blood or on the timing of disposal of drugs in urine.

In this case, different factors come into play to consider when and how to expel the THC from your body more easily.

Of course, the difference between CBD cannabis and non-legal hemp also comes into play, as the former contains a much lower THC levels than the CBD, thus not causing any kind of amazing effect.

But first of all, what is THC and what are its effects?

blood with marijuana inside

THC: properties and effects

A “trace” about the intake of hemp is given precisely by the THC, the psychoactive principle of cannabis.

This substance acts similarly to the cannabinoids naturally produced by our body. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) activates certain receptors in our brain, influencing the consumer’s memory and sensory perception.

More precisely, it stimulates the cells of our brain that release dopamine, generating euphoria and a feeling of pleasant tranquility.

Of course it should be emphasized that it has not only positive effects. In fact, it can often induce hallucinations, paranoid states, anxiety and tachycardia.

Hemp is considered illegal due to the psychotropic effects exerted by THC, which is not recommended for pregnancy, lactation or any disorders of the cardiorespiratory system.

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How long is it needed to remove THC from the blood?

The factors that contribute to the expulsion of cannabinoids from the blood are multiple and vary from the metabolism to the frequency of consumption.

Generally speaking, after a couple of days you should be clean even if, in case of frequent consumption, this operation can also take over a week.

Marijuana is present in the blood in a shorter period than urine and hair, because the amount of THC that circulates in the blood is very small.

Of course, as more experienced consumers know, THC doses are not always the same, so marijuana residues in blood also vary based on the amount taken and the power of the hemp itself.

Furthermore, it is necessary to know that in blood tests, THC is not sought, but one of its metabolite: the THC-COOH, a fat-soluble substance stored in our cells and that remains in our system longer than the others.

The presence of THC-COOH indicates that the hemp was consumed long ago, however, if both are detected, it is likely to have been consumed it in the last hours.

legality limit in the presence of THC in the blood

Is there a legal limit in the presence of THC in the blood?

Another common question among CBD weed consumers is a possible limit of THC in the blood.

In truth, since the current laws are not clear, if the consumer is obliged to carry out blood tests, no pre-established limit can help him. The positivity of the test itself indicates the use of drugs and therefore, it has consequences.

Read also: Marijuana during the pregnancy and lactation period: what science says about it

How to eliminate the THC in the blood

The best way to make drug tests appear negative is to refrain from using hemp in the previous days, precisely because it releases short-term traces and they are necessary just a few days to eliminate them.

One of the best ways to detoxify your body is to follow a healthy diet and exercise a lot, so as to eliminate the THC from our body.

It can also be very useful to drink two liters of water a day.

Eating fiber can also help expel the metabolites through the intestine.

Speaking of suitable methods to eliminate marijuana in the blood, some myths must be dispelled: vinegar, aspirin and milk do not help in any way.

Types of tests that could detect the THC rates

As already mentioned, there are several useful tests to reveal the consumption of hemp beyond that of blood. In fact, we also have the following:

  • Urine test
  • Saliva test
  • Hair test

The urine test is certainly the best known. To avoid this being positive, you should avoid consuming hemp for at least the previous thirty days.

This is because the presence of THC in the urine is found for a longer period than in the blood.

The analysis of the hair, on the other hand, is the most insidious since it can demonstrate a consumption of cannabis dating back even six months from the last use.

The saliva test verifies the presence of THC for about 24 hours maximum from the last consumption. It is no coincidence that it is among the less used exams because it is considered unreliable, even if faster and cheaper.

Can CBD products be positive for drugs?

CBD, another cannabinoid contained in cannabis but which, unlike THC, has no psychotropic effect, which is why it is considered fully legal in Europe.

Usually tests are not carried out to analyze any traces of CBD, but a regular intake could give a positive result to drug use in a test.

However, since it is an extract from Sativa Cannabis, except for purified extracts, both inflorescences of CBD cannabis and products derived from it – like CBD oil – present minimal THC concentrations.

According to several researches, even the high consumption of large amounts of cannabis oil can lead to positive drug tests.

The best choice is always to dose the quantities, both of THC and of CBD, so as to avoid problems.